Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I am Innocent..

A fren of mine whose name vegebird saying me have go to jail..

da news say

'Story boy was send to jail due to his discourtesy to US president Barack Obama. 22 February 2009, 7.00pm, Story boy uploaded a photoshop edited picture of Superman Return with Barack Obama face.

Because of his playful action, he received a lot of critics and finally, he was send to jail.I feel very sorry to Story boy, i hope i can help him. This is the last picture of him before he was send to jail.'

Somemore put this..

Wat a lousy photo editor skill !!

U say me shud angry o nt??? So I decide collect some proves and sue him til drop his pants.. hahhahaha..

1 comment:

Vegebird 蔡鸟 said...

Come on baby. I will see u in the court. Hahahaha